Categories of companies and self-employed that will benefit from COVID Wage supplement updated
Malta Enterprise is publishing an updated list of self-employed and business categories that will be entitled for the COVID Wage Supplement measure, following consultations with Government. The updated Annex A can be found here:
The updated Annex B can be found here:
In the past days, Malta Enterprise was gathering feedback from constituted bodies and businesses to update relevant lists that will be eligible for support.
The application for the COVID Wage Supplement shall be available online tomorrow Monday 30th March as from 0900am on website: For clarifications please call 80072207 (Office hours) or email [email protected].
Please find further information regarding the COVID Wage Supplement hereunder:
The Covid Wage Supplement provides employee with a basic wage cover to address the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to simplify administrative processes funds will be forwarded to employers who will be obliged to guarantee that the Covid Wage Supplement as established below is forwarded to the employee.
Full time employees of enterprises operating in sectors that suffered drastically due to the COVID-19 pandemic or had to temporarily suspend operations on the order of the Superintendent of Public Health will be entitled to up to five days’ salary based on a monthly wage of €800. This includes all self-employed. Part-time employees will be eligible €500 per month. Annex A contains the list of sectors by NACE.
Full time employees of enterprises in other adversely affected sectors (Annex B), including wholesale, manufacturing and warehousing will be entitled to one days’ salary per week equivalent to €160 per month. Part-time employees will be eligible to one day’s salary per week, equivalent to €100 per month. In the case of Gozo based enterprises this will increase to two days’ salary per week equivalent to €320 per month for full time employees, and €200 per month for part time employees. Annex B contains the list of sectors by NACE.
In case of self-employed in other adversely affected sectors (Annex B) who have employees will be entitled to two-days’ salary per week equivalent to €320 per month.
Self-employed based in Gozo operating in other adversely affected sectors (Annex B) will be entitled to €320 per month. This will increase to €480, for those self-employed who employ staff, and the employees will be entitled to 2 days salary calculated on €800 a month.
It is understood that in various instance employees will still not be attending to their works due to the restriction in operations as required by the health authorities or due to economic disruptions caused by the pandemic, in such cases an employee supported through this measure shall not to be consider to be on leave.
In certain instance if there is agreement with the Department Of Industrial And Employment Relations, employees may be required to work a four or three day week, in these instance the Covid Wage Supplement would still be allocated in accordance to the parameters established above.