UPDATED: Final Cutout date for New Wage Supplement Applications
Malta Enterprise is once again extending the cutout date for the COVID Wage Supplement scheme. This shall be the final extension for registering NEW applications. The new end date for registering new applications is now June 19th. New applications received after that date shall not be considered.
Businesses need only apply for the Wage Supplement once. Malta Enterprise in turn sends all applicants monthly emails for them to reconfirm or otherwise the details submitted in the original application.
The June 19th Wage Supplement closing date shall only be interpreted as the final chance to submit NEW applications. Those who have already applied DO NOT NEED to reapply again.
In the case of those employers who want to add employees that were previously benefitting from the Person with Disability/Medical/Parental benefit offered by the Social Security Dpt., this can be done by choosing ‘Changes Requested’ on the monthly email they receive from Malta Enterprise.
Please also note that pensioners and students, who were previously excluded from the scheme (and who appear on the company’s books prior to 9th March) may also be added through a link in the email that Malta Enterprise will be sending for confirmation of the employee list for July.
Businesses who benefitted from the Wage Supplement should also note that the process for claiming the Rent and Electricity bill refund will be linked to the confirmation of the Wage Supplement for the July period.