New Wage Supplement categories July – September
UPDATED: Malta Enterprise has issued a revised list of NACE code categories – ANNEX A, ANNEX B, ANNEX C.
As from July 2020 the wage supplement parameters are being adjusted to continue supporting the hardest hit sectors and provide a tapering of aid to all other activities during this regeneration period.
As of July 2020 the benefit of €800 for full-timers and up to €500 for part-timers will be maintained in areas involved with tourist accommodation, travel agencies, language schools, event organisation and air transport.
Employers and self-employed who were being assisted under the partial Supplement (Annex B) will retain this aid until September.
Personal services and other related activities will from July 2020 benefit from the partial supplement (Annex B).
Full time employees under this category will be entitled to €160 per month. Part-time employees will be eligible to €100 per month.
Other activities previously supported by the Wage Supplement not included in the updated Annex A or Annex B will from July 2020 be assisted with a wage supplement of €600 for Full timers and up to €375 for Part Timers.
As from July, previously ineligible pensioners and students duly registered as employed with JobsPlus since the 9th of March, may now also be considered for the Wage supplement. These individuals may be added via a specific link in the update email that Malta Enterprise will send to current beneficiaries for July.