Wage Supplement Details After 10th March Announcement
COVID Wage supplement developments in relation to announcement of new restrictions
Employees and self-employed working in businesses which have been ordered to shut down due to the new health restrictions, and which were not benefitting from the COVID Wage Supplement, can now apply for the maximum assistance up until when the business they work at are kept closed by the health authorities.
In view of this businesses who have been asked to close down, and who up till now were not benefitting from such assistance, will now be able to apply for the COVID Wage supplement covering only the period in which their shops are closed.
The link for the application will be available on covid19.maltaenterprise.com late next week.
The first payment will cover 8th March – 26th March (3 weeks).
For further information prospective applicants are encouraged to reach us by calling 144 or by sending an email on [email protected].
Meanwhile companies who are benefitting from the COVID Wage Supplement and who haven’t been requested to close their businesses shall continue to benefit from the scheme in accordance to their loss of revenue in 2020 as compared to 2019.